JADE Newsletters


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In partnership with our sponsor, Jade Health Care Medical Group, CCHRC contributes to their monthly newsletters with inserts on current topics. For more information, please visit Jade Health Care Medical Group.




January: Lunar New Year

February: Mental Health and Technology Use

March: Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure

April: Osteoporosis and Physical Fitness

May: Food for a Healthy Brain

June: Facts about Diabetes

July: Heart Failure and Stroke

August: Facts about Cancer

September: Domestic Violence



January: COVID-19 Vaccination & Safety Reminders

February: Colorectal Cancer Awareness

March: COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out

April: Exercising From Home

May: Mental Health Awareness

June: Advance Healthcare Directives

July: Respectful During Reopening

August: Weight Gain During Pandemic

September: Breast Cancer Awareness

October: Healthy Eating

November: Digestive Health During the Holidays

December: Stroke